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Jun 28 2022

This one day training teaches participants how diverse religious and cultural practices increase partner capabilities and build whole community resilience. The course offers tools (tip sheets & a field guide set) and foundational skills to competently engage religious leaders and

Jun 28 2022

THREE-DAY COURSE | June 28-30, 2022 Offered by the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN) Co-Sponsored by New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS) Open to religious leaders of any faith tradition as well as emergency management personnel. Training Site: New York Disaster Interfaith Services - WHEELCHAIR

Jun 10 2022

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and

Mar 18 2022

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and

May 22 2020

This is a free 2-hour Pandemic Virtual Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to discuss their upcoming plans using a pandemic scenario. This exercise is specifically designed to troubleshoot and find solutions for the unique obstacles facing congregations and organizations

May 8 2020

This is a free 2-hour Pandemic Virtual Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to discuss their upcoming plans using a pandemic scenario. This exercise is specifically designed to troubleshoot and find solutions for the unique obstacles facing congregations and organizations

Apr 24 2020

This is a free 2-hour Pandemic Virtual Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to discuss their upcoming plans using a pandemic scenario. This exercise is specifically designed to troubleshoot and find solutions for the unique obstacles facing congregations and organizations

Apr 17 2020

This is a free 2-hour Pandemic Virtual Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to discuss their upcoming plans using a pandemic scenario. This exercise is specifically designed to troubleshoot and find solutions for the unique obstacles facing congregations and organizations

Apr 16 2020

During this time of extraordinary disruption and anxiety, NYDIS is hosting a free two-hour webinar that offers an overview of crisis spiritual care best practices – including, general crisis spiritual care principles and interventions, disaster mental health & caregiver self-care.

Apr 10 2020

To better prepare for public health emergencies facing congregations & faith-based nonprofits, such as COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), NYDIS is offering a series of online webinars described below. The trainings will focus on writing Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) and Emergency

Apr 9 2020

During this time of extraordinary disruption and anxiety, NYDIS is hosting a free two-hour webinar that offers an overview of crisis spiritual care best practices – including, general crisis spiritual care principles and interventions, disaster mental health & caregiver self-care.

Apr 3 2020

To better prepare for public health emergencies facing congregations & faith-based nonprofits, such as COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), NYDIS is offering a series of online webinars described below. The trainings will focus on writing Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) and Emergency

Apr 2 2020

During this time of extraordinary disruption and anxiety, NYDIS is hosting a free two-hour webinar that offers an overview of crisis spiritual care best practices – including, general crisis spiritual care principles and interventions, disaster mental health & caregiver self-care.

Mar 27 2020

NYDIS is offering a free 2-hour Pandemic Tabletop Exercise for congregations and faith-based organizations to test their continuity of operations plan. This exercise is specifically targeted towards congreations and organizations who already have an emergency action plan or continuity of

Mar 20 2020

NYDIS offers a free 2-hour Pandemic Tabletop Exercise for decision-makers tasked with writing an emergency action plan for their congregation. This training is specifically for religious leaders who already have an emergency action plan in place at their congregation. All

Mar 16 2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City, this training is postponed. Please monitor this page for an announcement of new dates. To Register: This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to

Mar 16 2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City, this training is postponed. Please monitor this page for an announcement of new dates. To Register, CLICK HERE: This one-day training educates religious leaders on religious literacy and competency. This is designed for religious

Mar 13 2020

NYDIS is offering a free 2.5 hour Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications (CERC) writing workshop for congregation decision-makers tasked with writing a risk communications plan. This workshop is targeted specifically towards congregations who do not have a risk communications plan

Mar 2 2020

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and

Feb 4 2020

NYDIS offers a free 4-hour Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Space is limited to 20 participants per training! Have you ever wondered

Nov 19 2019

NYDIS offers a free 4-hour Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Space is limited to 20 participants per training! Have you ever wondered

Nov 11 2019

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and cultural practice increases

Sep 17 2019

NYDIS offers a free 4-hour Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Space is limited to 20 participants per training! Have you ever wondered

Aug 16 2019

El 16 de Agosto, 2019 Puerto Rico Ovad va a reunir hasta la diez de la mañana desde el uno y media de la tarde en la escuela S.U. Felipe Morales en La Playa, Añasco. On 08/16/2019, Puerto Rico Ovad is meeting

Aug 13 2019

NYDIS provides a free 4-hour Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications (CERC) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Register to learn best practices for how congregation or faith-based organization

Aug 7 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Jul 23 2019

Join us on July 23rd, 6pm - 10:30pm, at Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx for a Charity Softball Tournament for Puerto Rico Recovery, hosted by NFR. Tickets include food for all players. All proceeds will go to NYDIS' Evacuee Services. Photo

Jul 10 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Jul 9 2019

NYDIS offers a free 4-hour Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Space is limited to 12 participants per training! Have you ever wondered

Jun 27 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification  - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown bag lunch or eat out nearby during lunch hour. This training is being

Jun 19 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Jun 11 2019

NYDIS invites you to their annual Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications (CERC) Training and Exercise for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast and lunch are included. Register to learn best practices for

May 29 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

May 29 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

May 15 2019

NYDIS offers a free 4-hour Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Space is limited to 12 participants per training! Have you ever wondered

May 2 2019

Hosted by NYDIS, Children's Disaster Services, a branch of the Brethren Ministry, trains and certifies volunteers to provide specialized child care after disasters. Participants must submit two personal references and a background check to be certified. Volunteers will deploy via

Apr 29 2019

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. Each registrant must be endorsed for this

Mar 27 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Mar 12 2019

NYDIS is piloting their free one-day Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) training for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Have you ever wondered how your house of worship or faith-based

Feb 6 2019

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Jan 9 2019

FOR PUERTO RICO RECOVERY ADVOCATES & DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDERS ONLY: Wednesday, January 9th, at 6:00 PM: NYC Puerto Rico Long-Term Recovery Group will meet at NYDIS' Headquarters, 4 W 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.  Dinner will be served. All Working Group chairs should

Nov 14 2018

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Oct 5 2018

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Aug 22 2018

FOR PUERTO RICO RECOVERY ADVOCATES & DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDERS: Wednesday, August 22nd at 6:00 PM: NYC Puerto Rico Long-Term Recovery Group will meet at NYDIS' Headquarters, 4 W 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.  Dinner will be served. All Working Group chairs should have

Aug 1 2018

FOR PUERTO RICO RECOVERY ADVOCATES & DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDERS: Wednesday, August 1st at 6:00 PM: NYC Puerto Rico Long-Term Recovery Group will meet at NYDIS' Headquarters, 4 W 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.  Dinner will be served. All Working Group chairs should have

Mar 7 2018

NYDIS and The Salvation Army Greater New York Division offer free one-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training certification for clergy, staff & volunteers from congregations & faith-based organizations - all training materials and breakfast are included. Participants may bring a brown

Feb 7 2025

Designed as a half-day or evening session, this training provides a basic introduction to Disaster Spiritual Care, Disaster Mental Health, and Self-Care, in an interactive format. Each registrant must be endorsed for this training and/or currently serve as a

Feb 7 2025

This two-day (16-hour) training course prepares chaplains and credentialed religious leaders to provide spiritual and emotional care during deployment to disaster sites as well as within their own communities.

Feb 7 2025

This two-day (16-hour) trainer program equips participants to train others in NYDIS's Disaster Spiritual Care Curriculum. In addition to content review, this two-day training examines the characteristics of adult learners and models cooperative learning. (Pre-requisite: Two-day NYDIS Disaster Chaplain Training)

Feb 7 2025

This three-day training prepares faith leaders or institutional chaplains to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or to serve as disaster chaplains within their house of worship, religious community or professional institution. The modules demonstrate how diverse religious and